1. Different ways of complication or simplification from the five-vowel system might have resulted in the other types of vowel systems. ������ϵ���Ϳ��ܶ��Ǵ���Ԫ����ϵ������ͬ�Ĺ����ݻ����ɵġ�
2. Secondly, we contrasted their vowel system and mainly investigated the influence of different parts of the initial consonant pronunciation on the evolution of the vowel system. ��Σ��Ա��ˡ����ϡ��롶����ʮ��������ĸϵͳ�����ص㿼���˲�ͬ������λ����ĸƬ��ĸ�ݱ���������Ӱ�졣
3. A cardinal vowel is a vowel sound produced when the tongue is in an extreme position, either front or back, high or low. ����ͷλ�ڼ��˵�λ�ã�������Ԫ�����Ƕ�λԪ��������λ�õ�ǰ���ߵ͡�
4. It is in accordance with the vowel letters, vowel combinations of letters, consonants and consonant-letter acronym in the open and closed syllable syllable pronunciation of the law of memory. �����ǰ���Ԫ����ĸ��Ԫ����ĸ��ϡ�������ĸ��������ĸ����ڿ����ںͱ����ڵĶ������ɼ��䡣
5. It was the sleepiest of sleepy days. The drowing murmur of the five and twenty studying scholars soothed the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of bees. �������ж�ʮ��λѧ�����ù������ǵĶ�����������һȺ�۷�����˽��������������ǵ����飬Ҳ�������ߡ�