1. Seeking help with these mundane chores of living means surrendering control as well. Ϊ����������Ѱ���������ζ����û��Ƿ�������Ȩ��
2. Since computers can replace people to do routine jobs, people can be freed of mundane business to do creative work. ��Ȼ���������ȡ�������ɳ��湤�������ǾͿ����ѷ�ζ���������д����ԵĹ�����
3. The folks at Archimedes wanted to spend their time thinking about levers and pulleys, but instead spent a lot of time on mundane programming tasks. �����õļһ��Ǵ��㻨ʱ��˼���ܸ��뻬��[����]�����DZ�����˷Ѵ�ʱ�������ı�̹����ϡ�
1. found in the ordinary course of events
2. concerned with the world or worldly matters
3. belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly