1. It was a problem he had been mulling for a long time. ������һֱ���������˺ܾõ����⡣
2. This is the optimum angle to tumble and mull the sand. ������ѽǶȵ�������ɳ�Ӻ���ϸ���ǡ�
3. Take some time to mull over these questions do some soul-searching and then if you think you have what it takes go for it. ����ʱ��������Щ���⣬����������̵����ҷ�ʡ�������㻹����Ϊ�Լ��߱���ҵ�������������ô�ͷ���ȥ�ɰɡ�
1. a term used in Scottish names of promontories
2. an island in western Scotland in the Inner Hebrides v.
1. reflect deeply on a subject
2. heat with sugar and spices to make a hot drink