1. Then, by one of those convulsive, motiveless actions by which the wretched leap from temporary sorrow to life �Clong misery, she determined to marry Adam. ����������ȡ��һ�������߳�����ȡ�����ֿ쵶ն������ж��������ǵ����Ӷ��ݽ���������ʹ�࣬Ϊ�IJ�����������һʱ�ı��ˡ�
2. Behind Dhruva's devotion there was desire. He practised austerities to gain his father's kingdom. But Prahlada's love for God was motiveless-a love that sought no return. ��³���ϵı�������������Ϊ�˵õ�����������ʵ�����У������������İ��Ǻ������D�Dһ�ֲ���ر��İ���
3. Moreover, players with softball experience showed lower self-determination, higher external control motivation and more motiveless willingness toward baseball than those without softball experience. ͬ���أ����Ծ������ߵ�Ⱥ���У�����������Ҳ��ʾ���ϸߵ�������
1. occurring without motivation or provocation