1. What was his motive for doing that? �����Ǽ��µĶ�����ʲ�
2. Perhaps, their work motive in deeper level is to reveal the glory and greatness of God. ���������ǹ����ĸ����ζ�����Ϊ�˽�ʾ�ϵ�����֮��ҫ��ΰ��
3. Overturning the notion that the profit motive was evil, they approved of trade and business, as long as they were honest. �����Ʒ��ˡ�Ӫ���Ķ�����а��ġ��뷨����ó����ҵ�oֻҪ��Щ��Ϊ�DZ��ڳ�ʵ�ġ�
1. the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for t
2. a theme that is elaborated on in a piece of music adj.
1. causing or able to cause motion
2. impelling to action