1. But even then, I would not want to be a motionless statue. ����ʹ��ʱ����Ҳ��Ը��һ��û�и���ĵ���
2. Mrs. Clark lies in bed motionless and I wonder briefly if she is still alive. �����˷������ڴ���һ��������һʱ���Ҷ��������Ƿ��š�
3. Even if motionless, the time also in moves for us. but day dissipation, is carries off us to hope retains fantasy. Category: Time. ��ʹһ��������ʱ��Ҳ���������ƶ��������ӵ����ţ����Ǵ�������ϣ�������Ļ��롣���ʱ�䡣