molecule ָ�����б���ԭ���ʵ�һ�л�ѧ���ʣ��ܶ������ڵ���С���������ӡ� atom ָԪ�ص���С���ӣ��������moleculeС�� particle ָ�κ����ʵ���������ָ�κ�С�IJ��֡� speck һ��ָ���㡱��������������ָ���ߵ㡢�۵㡱�� grain ͨ��ָ��Ϊ������������Ŀ����������������������������������
1. Almost any kind of molecule might be evolved. �����κ�һ�ַ��Ӷ��ܱ��ݻ���
2. A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer. '����'��''�������������ӽ���γɾۺ���ķ��ӡ�
3. The amino acid chain exits the ribosome through a tunnel in the large subunit, then folds up into a three-dimensional protein molecule. ��������ͨ�����ǻ��е�һ�������뿪�����壬Ȼ���۵���һ��������ά�ṹ�ĵ����ʷ��ӡ�
1. (physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound
2. (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything