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moderation [,mɔdə'reiʃən]



    n. �ʶȣ����ƣ��ºͣ�����




    1. Only sober moderation lasts, and that persists through all time.
    2. Moderation, after all, is a virtue only in those who are thought to have an alternative.
    3. Healthy eating also includes limiting dietary cholesterol, eating foods with soluble fiber, consuming fish and soy products, drinking alcohol in moderation, and reducing sugar intake.


      1. quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes
      2. a change for the better
      3. the trait of avoiding excesses
      4. the action of lessening in severity or intensity


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    Great Moderation
    �󻺺�; ���ȶ�; ���Ƚ�; ���Ƚ�ʱ��;
    moderation length
    inelastic moderation
    elastic moderation
    ��������; ���Ի���;


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