marginal ָ���ڱ�Ե�����ȡ���ΧС���ʼ�ֵ����Ҫ�Բ��� minor ��ָ���ıȽϺ��Եò���Ҫ����ָ���١���С�� negligible ָ����С������Ҫ���������ɺ��Բ��ơ� minimal ָ���١���ͻ���С��
1. What are your major subject and minor subjects? �������Ŀ����Ŀ��ʲô��
2. Yes , let me see, I think you are probably minor food poisoning. �������������ҿ�������������������ʳ���ж���
3. Ideas and thoughts, major or minor, correct or not were all aired without reservation. ������뷨����Ҫ�Ļ��Ǵ�Ҫ�ģ���ȷ�Ļ������ޱ����ء�
1. a young person of either sex
2. of lesser importance or stature or rank
3. lesser in scope or effect
4. inferior in number or size or amount
5. of a scale or mode
6. not of legal age
7. of lesser seriousness or danger
8. of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization
9. of the younger of two boys with the same family name
10. warranting only temporal punishment
11. limited in size or scope
minor ����;
minor defect ��Ҫȱ��;