1. Be mindful to follow my advice! �мǰ����ҵ����ȥ����
2. Mindfulness is the key, but my challenge is to find a way to be mindful in an angry, annoyed, or hurt moment. ��ʶ�ǹؼ��������ҵ���ս����һ����ŭ�����������˵�ʱ��Ҫ�ҵ�һ�������ʶ�ķ�����
3. My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices born by our ancestors. �������ǣ���л��λ�����Σ��ڼ��������ǰ�������ȴ����������ǰ���������ܹ�վ������ǫ�����ݽ���