1. Cuefor e-greeting cards, heat in road and bridge district Party Committee, District Government has recently published on the prohibition of paper greeting cards. ���Ӻ��꿨�ȵ����£�Ե��·����ί�����������ճ�̨�Ĺ��ڽ�ֹӡ��ֽ�ʺؿ���֪ͨ��
2. Military logistics as a vinculum between military material supply and demand, the efficiency of it affect military material support capability heavily. ����������Ϊ���Ӿ������ʹ��������������Ŧ������Ч��ĺû��ںܴ�̶���Ӱ���ž������ʱ���������ǿ����
3. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol used by military authority, military school and military hospital, approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required. �����»��ء�����ѧУ����ҽԺʹ��֮����δ���Ծƾ���Ӧ�츽������֮ͬ���ļ���
4. The military morale is one of the central concepts of military psychology, Which originates from the reflection to military action of ancient philosophers and militarist. ʿ���Ǿ�������ѧ�ĺ��ĸ���֮һ��������Դ�ڹŴ���ѧ�ҡ����¼ҶԾ�����Ϊ�ķ�˼���������������װ��ͻ��ʿ������ս����̨�ϰ����ż�Ϊ��Ҫ�Ľ�ɫ��
5. The contradiction between military demand and military supply is a basic contradiction in military and economic development. ���������빩��֮���ì�ܣ��Ǿ����뾭��������չ�Ļ���ì��״̬��
military unit at the level of sub-greater military region �����������λ;