1. He is miffed at so much noise outside. ��������̫���Ӷ�������
2. I think Bill was a little miffed that Steve wasn't raving over the fast ovals and still wanted more. �ҿ��ȶ��е��ջ�ʷ�ٷ�ǵ�û����������ô�컭������Բ�Σ���Ȼ���ô���ߡ�
3. James was careful not to complain about losing his triple-double in New York, but he was clearly miffed by the league's decision. ղķ˹��������˫������Ч֮��û�ж��ٱ�Թ�����Ǻ���Ȼ�����������˵ľ�����Щ��ŭ��