1. His mien and his countenance awed every heart, even before a sound left his lips. ����û�г���������̬�Ⱥ���ò�Ѿ�ʹÿ���Ķ���Ȼ��η��
2. Make thy study a regular thing; say little and do much; and meet every man with a friendly mien. Ҫʹѧϰ��Ϊ����֮�£�Ҫ��˵������£�Ҫ��������ÿ���˶��Ѻá�����ľ�¡������ء�����̫�̣�
3. Can you imagine how a contemporary furnished room would look with this hung-mien canopied bed in it? �����ž��¹��ӵİ˽Ǻ��ߴ������ִ�����ռ䣬����ʲ��о������������𣿣�