1. Theory and Methodology of Human Resource Performance Evaluation. ������Դ��Ч�����������뷽��������
2. The only methodology of studying in subconscious geography is the monism. DZ��ʶ����ѧ�о���Ψһ�����۾���һԪ�ۡ�
3. Statistics is a general methodology of science, statistical way of thinking has a very wide range of applications. ͳ��ѧ��һ��ͨ�õķ����۵Ŀ�ѧ��ͳ��˼�뷽�����м���㷺��Ӧ���ԡ�
1. the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular disc
2. the system of methods followed in a particular discipline