1. He merited all the praises they give him. ���Ǹ��������б���������֮������
2. A character can perform only one action per turn, unless he has a Merit or power that lets him do otherwise. һ������һ���غ�ֻ��ִ��һ������������������������������������ƻ���������
3. "Now, " said he, "Osborne never will allow the least merit in anything of mine, but makes a thousand criticisms out of mere envy. �����ڣ�����˵������˹���Ӳ������ҵ��κ���Ʒ�������ļ�ֵ������һǧ�������������dz��ڼ��ʰ��ˡ�
1. any admirable quality or attribute
2. the quality of being deserving (e.g., deserving assistance) v.
1. be worthy or deserving