1. How sweet that strain of melancholy horn! ��ô���ۣ��Ž����˸е����ɣ�
2. The prince of melancholy - Hamlet. �������ӣ���ķ���ء����������ѧ��
3. The songs of melancholy and love spring from weariness and disappointment to my life. ���������Ͱ����̸裬Դ���Ҷ��������ᷳ��ʧ����
1. a feeling of thoughtful sadness
2. a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
3. a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and mela adj.
1. characterized by or causing or expressing sadness
2. grave or even gloomy in character