1. The key issues in rotating cement kiln are the measurement of the temperature and controlling the cement kiln. ˮ���������ճɴ��¶ȵIJ�����ˮ��Ҥ�Ŀ����ǻ�תҤ�������ؼ����⡣
2. This technology should have no affect for separating result of column and measurement accuracy of gas components. �ü�����ɫ�����ķ�����������ɷֵľ�ȷ�����������κ�Ӱ�졣
3. The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall conform to those in customer reference manuals on measurement systems analysis. ���õķ��������ͽ����������˿��ڲ���ϵͳ�����IJο��ֲ���һ�¡�
1. the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule