1. Act Two opens months later at a masquerade party. The guests all wear masks to hide their identity. �ڶ�Ļ�ǣ��������Ժ�Ļ�ױ����ϣ����еĿ��˶�����������������ǵ����ݡ�
2. Party A entrusts Party B with the translation service. Party A shall provide legible documents in time and give clear requirements and control the translation quality of Party B. ��ίי�ҷ�Ϊ���ṩ�������ʱ���ҷ��ύ���������ڱ��ϵĴ������ϣ������ȷҪ�����ҷ��ķ���Ʒ�ʽ��мල��
3. The modern political party system in the United States is a two-party system dominated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. �ִ������������ƶȣ�����������ռ������λ�����������͵���
4. To nail down the clientage, Party B must submit the consignation ticket with cachet on it to party A. and then party A will issue a corresponding freight sub-ticket to party B. ������ѼӸǹ��µ����˵������ҷ�ȷ��ί�й�ϵ���ҷ������˷ֵ�Ϊ����ƾ֤��
5. For the Communist Party of China in power, it must understand party's advancement essential connotation scientifically, strengthen the party's construction according to party's advanced request. ����ִ�����й���������˵�������ѧ������Ƚ��Եı����ں������յ����Ƚ���Ҫ�ϼ�ǿ���Ľ��衣
Abandoned Masquerade �������;
Abandoned Masquerade �������;
Vampire The Masquerade-Bloodlines ����֮Ѫ��;