1. Experiences related to art Textile design, book cover design, costume design teaching, costume design text edition, cinematic costume design, etc. ���¹�������ơ��鼮װ֡��ƣ����ڷ�װ��ƣ������װ��ƽ̲ġ�
2. a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume. ����Ϊ����װһ���ֵİ������һ���ġ��п���ͷ���Ķ���
3. a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume. ����Ϊ����װһ���ֵİ������һ���ġ��п���ͷ����[����]��
4. COSTUME��The professor was in academic costume when I saw him yesterday. �����쿴������ʱ���������Ŵ�ѧ����
5. Costume text and game of signifier in costume, relate to discourse's construction of body. ���ε��ı����������ָ����Ϸ�����������Ļ��ィ����