marginal ָ���ڱ�Ե�����ȡ���ΧС���ʼ�ֵ����Ҫ�Բ��� minor ��ָ���ıȽϺ��Եò���Ҫ����ָ���١���С�� negligible ָ����С������Ҫ���������ɺ��Բ��ơ� minimal ָ���١���ͻ���С��
1. You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk. ���ϰ��ߵ������ǰʱ������������Щ�ؽ�Ҫ���¡�
2. A novel transmission pricing method based on marginal cost theory is presented. Ӧ�ñʳɱ����������һ���µ���綨�۷�����
3. The equilibrium condition of personal education investment is that marginal cost equals to marginal revenue. ������Ϊ�����˽���Ͷ�ʵľ��������DZʳɱ����ڱ����档
1. at or constituting a border or edge
2. of questionable or minimal quality
3. of a bare living gained by great labor
4. just barely adequate or within a lower limit
5. producing at a rate that barely covers production costs
6. being close to a lower limit or or of lower class