�ɿ�Ӣ�� | ��дѵ�� | �龰�Ự | ��̨�� | ÿ��Ӣ�� | ������ | д�� | �ɿɵ��� | �ɿ���̳ | ������� | ��¼

�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

marginal ['mɑ:dʒinəl]



    adj. ��Ե�ģ��ٽ�ģ�ĩ�˵�



marginal   ָ���ڱ�Ե�����ȡ���ΧС���ʼ�ֵ����Ҫ�Բ���
minor   ��ָ���ıȽϺ��Եò���Ҫ����ָ���١���С��
negligible   ָ����С������Ҫ��΢�������ɺ��Բ��ơ�
minimal   ָ���١���ͻ���С��


    1. You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk.
    2. A novel transmission pricing method based on marginal cost theory is presented.
    3. The equilibrium condition of personal education investment is that marginal cost equals to marginal revenue.


      1. at or constituting a border or edge
      2. of questionable or minimal quality
      3. of a bare living gained by great labor
      4. just barely adequate or within a lower limit
      5. producing at a rate that barely covers production costs
      6. being close to a lower limit or or of lower class


    �߼ʵ�; ��Ե��; Ե��; ���޵�;
    marginal utility
    �߼�Ч��; ߅�HЧ��; �߼�Ч��; �߼�ЧӦ;
    marginal revenue
    �߼�����; �߼�����; �߼����; �߼�����;
    marginal product
    �߼ʲ���; �߼ʲ�Ʒ; ߅�H�a��; �߼ʲ���;
    marginal zone
    ��Ե��; ��Ե��; Ե��; ���壺Ե��,Ե��,Ե��;


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