1. Mary: No, Could you show me the dress that's displayed on mannequin? ������û�У����ܰ�ģ�����ϴ����Ǽ��·��ø��ҿ�����
2. Taken into consideration this practical application, a novel method for parameterized mannequin modeling was proposed. ���ǵ���һʵ��Ӧ�ã������һ�ֲ��������彨ģ���·�����
3. Star-China mannequin, who especially invites the intelligentsia, gathering together outstanding figures in the mannequin circles, is started to set up in Shanghai in 2004 golden autumn. ��˾�������ģ�س�����������ʶ֮ʿ���㼯ģ�ؽ羫Ӣ֮�ţ���2004�����ʱ��ʼ�����Ϻ���
1. a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
2. a life-size dummy used to display clothes