1. Where is the miniskirt displayed on the manikin? ģ�ض�����չʾ����������ȹ���Ķ���
2. Manikin with eyebrows and mustache &beard, model:T007! ! ��üë�ͺ���������ϰͷ���ͺţ�T007����
3. The practice with Skillreporter Resusci Anne manikin in a short-term training may enhance significantly the citizens' knowledge and skills in CPR. ����ģ�Ͳ�����ѵ��������߾����ķθ���֪ʶ�뼼�ܡ�
1. a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
2. a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
3. a life-size dummy used to display clothes