1. Thirdly: from the manifestation of Oneness. ������������Ψһ�Եı�����
2. Then I know that his anger is only the manifestation of something deeper. �����֪����������ֻ��ij�ָ���Ķ��������ڱ��֡�
3. The flush toilet then, as the plainest manifestation of a feedback loop, is a mythical beast -- the beast of self. ���˵������ˮ��Ͱ����Ϊ������·����Ϊƽʵ�����֣�����һͷ���ص�Ұ�ޡ�������֮�ޡ�
1. a clear appearance
2. a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing
3. an appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit)
4. expression without words
5. a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature)