1. Purpose:To evaluate the effecacy and side effects of domestic paclitaxel (taxol) in malignance. Ŀ�ģ����۹�����ɼ���ڶ��������е����Ƽ�ֵ��
2. Objective To test the expression of Cathepsin B (CB) protease in gliomas and to investigate its correlation with the malignance and angiogenesis of gliomas. Ŀ��̽����֯����øB��CB�����˽������еı��P���뽺�������Գ̶ȡ�Ѫ�����ɵĹ�ϵ��
3. Objective:To observe the therapeutic result of Aidi injection(Ginseng, Huangqi, Ciwujia, Banmao, etc)cooperate with chemotherapy in curing later period gastrointestinal malignance. Ŀ�ģ��۲찬��ע��Һ��ϻ���ҩ����������θ����������������Ч��
1. (medicine) a malignant state; progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death
2. quality of being disposed to evil; intense ill will