1. Completely lost in a make-believe world, I seemed to see all the lamplights drifting from the ground. �ҷ·����еĵƹ����ڴ����ҡҷ������ȫ��ʧ������õ������
2. She says giving children a chance to use their imaginations for make-believe play can also help them develop executive function skills. ��˵��������һ��������������Ļ��ᣬ����װ��Ϸ��Ҳ�ܰ������ǿ���ִ��Ч�ܵļ��ɡ�
3. She says giving children a chance to use their imaginations for make-believe play can also help them develop executive function skills. ��˵����ͯһ������ʹ�����ǵ�����������ʹ������ϷҲ�ܰ������Ƿ�չִ���������ɡ�
1. imaginative intellectual play
2. the enactment of a pretense v.
1. represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
2. imagined as in a play