1. A big bug hit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly. һֻ��ij���Ϯ��һֻ�¸Ҷ���ͺ���ܣ���������ֻ�����˺ܶ�Ѫ��
2. A big bug hit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly. ��������ðʧ��ͺͷ���ܣ�ðʧ��ͺͷ����Ѫƴ������ӿ��
3. A big bug hit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly. һֻ��ij���Ϯ��һֻ�¸Ҷ���ͺ���ܣ���������ֻ�����˺ܶ�Ѫ��
4. I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly, ) I am bold also. ��˵�⻰���������Լ����������Ǵ�ǰ�������ģ�Ȼ�����ں������¸ҡ�����˵������������Ҳ�¸ҡ�
5. Try not to bold fonts: print, can not bold, -as-possible without blackbody do not need to innovative ink or Leady oxide. ֻ�ܼ��㲻�Ӵ����壺��ӡʱ���ܲ��Ӵ֡��������IJ���ֻ�ܼ�����룬Ҳ�ܺķ���ī��Ǧ�ۡ�
bold-face bold-face type boldface ����Ǧ��;
as bold as brass barefaced bold-faced brazen impudent �����ܵ�;
as bold as brass barefaced bold-faced brazen impudent �����ܵ�;
bold-face bold-face type boldface ����Ǧ��;
as bold as brass barefaced bold-faced brazen impudent �����ܵ�;