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loom [lu:m]



    n. ֯�������������ֵľ���
    vi. ���µس��֣����ʵس��֣���Լ�ɼ�
    vt. ��֯������֯



appear   ǿ������¶�棬��������
emerge   ���ػ������ֵĹ��̡�
show   ������ǿ��ǿ����¶��������
loom   ָ���ʳ��֣���������и��ֳ���һ����


    1. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man will see the wonderful cloth.
    2. The loom finish modeling in this research is designed according to the extreme of function and the statics moment balance theory.
    3. This writing analyses and studies loom cloth-roll checking for reducing the amount of labor of it, and obtaining the accurate and reasonable data.


      1. a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile
      2. come into view indistinctly, often threateningly
      3. appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      4. hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing


    ֯����; ����; ����; ֯��;
    hand loom
    hand loom
    ��֯����ָ�������ǰ�����һС�鲼��������ȷ����ɫ�����͵�Ч����; ��֯��; ��֯��; �ֹ�֯����;
    shuttleless loom
    ����֯��; ����֯�� ��ҵó��;
    dobby loom


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