appear ǿ������¶�棬�������� emerge ���ػ������ֵĹ��̡� show ������ǿ��ǿ����¶�������� loom ָ���ʳ��֣���������и��ֳ���һ����
1. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man will see the wonderful cloth. ������˶�ֻ�ῴ��һ���յ�֯������ֻ�д������˲Żῴ�������IJ���
2. The loom finish modeling in this research is designed according to the extreme of function and the statics moment balance theory. ���о��������ij���ģʽ�����ݶ����������ֵ���뾲��ѧ����ƽ��ԭ����ƶ��ɡ�
3. This writing analyses and studies loom cloth-roll checking for reducing the amount of labor of it, and obtaining the accurate and reasonable data. ���Ķ�֯���������̵���з������о����Ա����֯���о��̵���Ͷ��������õ�ȷ��ʱ�����ݡ�
1. a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile
2. come into view indistinctly, often threateningly
3. appear very large or occupy a commanding position
4. hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
loom ֯����;
hand loom ��֯����ָ�������ǰ�����һС�鲼����ȷ����ɫ�����ͣ�Ч��;
hand loom ��֯����ָ�������ǰ�����һС�鲼��������ȷ����ɫ�����͵�Ч����;