1. 'Look well upon that gentleman, my learned friend there, ' pointing to him who had tossed the paper over, ' and then look well upon the prisoner. ������ϸ�����ҵ���ѧʶ�����ѣ��DZ���λ����������ʦָ���ӹ�ֽ������˵����Ȼ������ϸ����������
2. Look at this! See how nice you look. Look at this! Look at that, we �C lookit, I mean, I'm�� -Yeah, some couple! �������������ж�Ư�������������������ǨC��һ�£�����˵���ҡ�-�ǵģ���õ�һ�ԣ�
3. I bet you gonna ambush me. You'll have me down, down, down, down, down on my knees. Now wouldn't you, barracuda? Oh-oh. �ҸҴ������Ҫ�����ң��㽫ʹ�ҹ����������������ڵء�Ȼ����ͳ������㣬������?ร��ޡ�
4. For each human is a part of the human species, and each human therefore has inflicted such atrocities upon nature, upon Earth, and upon one another. ��Ϊÿһ������������ֵ�һ���ݣ������ÿһ�������Ȼ�硢������˴˼�����������ı��С�
5. She looked at him quizzically, but melted with sympathy as the value of the look upon his face forced itself upon her. ���ɻ�ؿ����������ǵ������ܵ������沿���������ͱ��˵�����ʱ���������ˣ�������ͬ�顣
look down look out upon ����;
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail ����;
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail ����;