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long-suffering ['lɔŋ'sʌfəriŋ, 'lɔ:ŋ-]



    adj. ���̵ģ��������ܵ�
    n. ���ͣ����̣������ܿ�



    1. The general, a man by no means notable for docility and long-suffering, flew into a rage.
    2. Col. 1:11 Being empowered with all power, according to the might of His glory, unto all endurance and long-suffering with joy.
    3. Therefore I anticipated it by fleeing to Tarshish, for I know that You are a gracious and compassionate God, long-suffering and abundant in lovingkindness and repentant of evil.


      1. patient endurance of pain or unhappiness
      2. patiently enduring continual wrongs or trouble


    ���̵�; ����; �������͵ģ����̵�;
    The long-suffering girl
    a long-suffering parent
    You also be long-suffering


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