1. The State Department continued to blow on this worn locution like a stuck whistle. ����ԺҲ�ڼ���ʹ������ϵ����Ĺ���������ڴ�һ������������ӡ�
2. "See, there he goes, " Tully said in his earnest Midwestern locution. "He's walking around it�� Now he's climbing on top of it. ���㿴����ʼ�ˣ����������������������������˵�����������������ߡ�������������ͷȥ�ˡ�
3. In order to reduce costs, we should close some of our existing small assembly plants and build a large central plant. Grandview would be an ideal locution for this new plant . Ϊ�˽�Լ�ɱ�������Ӧ�ùر�һЩ�ִ��С����װ���������ҽ�һЩ������Ĺ�����G�ؽ�����ѡ֮�ؽ����������
1. a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations