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lock [lɔk]



    vt. �������ϣ�����
    vi. ������ס����ס
    n. ����ˮբ��ɲ��




    1. He locked up his diamonds in a safe.
    2. Mike: Blue key, blue lock right?
    3. Please lock your suitcase.


      1. a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
      2. a strand or cluster of hair
      3. a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
      4. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to ra
      5. a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do
      6. any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
      1. fasten with a lock
      2. keep engaged
      3. become rigid or immoveable
      4. hold in a locking position
      5. become engaged or intermeshed with one another
      6. hold fast (in a certain state)
      7. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape
      8. pass by means through a lock in a waterway
      9. build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels


    �����ն�; ����; ��ס; ������;
    Num lock
    ����������; ��������; ���ּ�; С����;
    lock out
    �ѡ���������; ����; ��չ���; ��������;
    differential lock
    ������; ��������; ������; �װ����;


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