1. For years, art, antiques, and livestock have been sold at auction. �����������������Ŷ����ͳ������������ϱ����ۡ�
2. Farmers are attempting to produce transgenic livestock already but not efficiently due to the minimal ability to alter embryos genetically as stated above. ũ�����ڳ�������ת����������Ǻ���Ч��ԭ����������˵���������Ŵ��Ըı���̥��������С��
3. Some ideas were contradictory, he said - for example, one solution to emissions from livestock was to keep them indoors, but this would damage animal welfare. ��˵����Щ�������ì�ܵģ����磬һ�ֽ�������ŷŵİ취�ǰѼ���ι�������ڣ������������Ȩ�档
1. not used technically; any animals kept for use or profit