active ָ�л������ǿ������������ֹ�෴�Ļ����״̬�� energetic �ᾫ�����桢��������ij��ҵ�� vigorous ָ�������ֻ����������������ҹ��о����ͻ���ʮ����ʢ�� brisk ָ�������ݡ����������������õش���ij������� lively ����֧�ִ��죬���ǣ���������
1. He gave us a lively and interesting math. lesson. ������������һ����������Ȥ����ѧ�Ρ�
2. Ah! Diving feeling I seem to feel that they are a lively and cute fish! ����DZˮ�ĸо���ˬ�����ƺ������Լ�����һֻ���ÿɰ����㣡
3. The concert has a serious purpose, but it is also a celebration. There is lively entertainment from Broadway hits to jazz and country music. ���ֻ����������Ŀ�ģ���Ҳ��һ����䡣���ֳ��İ��ϻ��ߺ���ݳ���Ҳ�о�ʿ�ֻ���������֡�
1. full of life and energy
2. full of zest or vigor
3. quick and energetic
4. elastic; rebounds readily
5. filled with events or activity
6. full of spirit
7. characterized by energetic activity