1. Drink and liquid medicine production system. ���ϡ�Һ��ҩ������ϵͳ��
2. Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid. ��������������̬�Ļ���Һ̬�ģ�����һ�����塣
3. Always test temperature of liquid before feeding to baby. ���������¶ȵ�Һ���ڸ�Ӥ��ιʳ��
1. a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure
2. the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendenc
3. a substance in the fluid state of matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume
4. a frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially `l' and `r') adj.
1. existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow
2. filled or brimming with tears
3. clear and bright
4. changed from a solid to a liquid state
5. smooth and flowing in quality; entirely free of harshness
6. smooth and unconstrained in movement
7. in cash or easily convertible to cash