1. In such process of the evolution from semanteme to lingual exertion, the user's perspective, affection and attitude have played important role. ������һ����������õ��ݱ�����У�����ʹ���ߵ��ӽǡ���С�̬������������Ҫ�����á�
2. The single literature resource of library has turned into multi-carrier, multi-lingual, multi-form, and equal importance of process and access. ͼ��ݵ�һ��������Դ��ɶ����塢�����֡�����ʽ�ģ�ӵ�кʹ�ȡ���ص���Ϣ��Դ��
3. For the first time in Israel, a group of Arab and Jewish parents decide to establish a conjoint bi-national, bi-lingual school inside an Arab village. һȺ����������ɫ�и�ĸ������һ����������ׯ�н���һ��˫����˫���ϵ�ѧУ��������ɫ����ǰ��δ�еĴ��١�
1. a consonant that is produced with the tongue and other speech organs
2. consisting of or related to language
3. pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue