1. From the findings of linear perspective in Revival of Learning to colorful perspective in 19th century impressionism, western paintings has explored in depth space for several centuries. �����ո��������ӵķ�����19����ӡ�������ɫ���ӣ������滭����ȿռ��̽���߹��˼������͵ĵ�·��
2. Renasissance painters used two basic techniques to create the effect of depth-linear perspective and aerial perspective. ���ո���ʱ�ڵĻ����������ֻ����ļ���ȥ����ֱ���ӷ��Ϳ����ӷ���Ч����
3. The optimal linear linear prediction experiential optimal linear prediction and optimal linear unbiased prediction in the general growth curve model are obtained. �о���һ����������ģ��δ���۲��Ԥ�����⣬��һ�������µõ���������������Ԥ������������������Ԥ����������������ƫԤ������
4. the second section is the core of this paper, discoursing the fundamental bioethical perspective of Catholicism and absolute ethical norms inferred from this perspective; �ڶ����DZ��ĺ��ģ������������̻����������������ɴ��������Ƶõľ��������淶��
5. From "discipline perspective" to "school perspective"����On school awareness and practice orientation of pedagogical school in China. �ӡ�ѧ������������ѧ���������������й�����ѧ��ѧ����ʶ����ʵ��·��
Linear Perspective ����;
Linear Perspective ����;
linear perspective drawing ����ͼ;
Comparison of Linear Level I Green-Naghdi Theory with Linear Wave Theory for Prediction of Hydroelastic Responses of VLFS ��� , ��ά�� , ��Ӧ��;