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limitation [,limi'teiʃən]



    n. ���ƣ��޶ȣ����ޣ�[��]׷��ʱЧ����Ч����



    1. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation .
    2. Be able to work under high pressure and time limitation.
    3. The sixth chapter research conclusion, limitation and future research direction.


      1. a principle that limits the extent of something
      2. the quality of being limited or restricted
      3. the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
      4. (law) a time period after which suits cannot be brought
      5. an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)


    ����; �޶�,����,����(��); �޶�; �޶ȣ�����;
    diffusional limitation
    ��ɢ����; ���壺��ɢ����;
    noise limitation
    ��������; ��������; �����޶�;
    shock limitation
    scale limitation
    �������޶�; �DZ��Ŀ̶ȷ�Χ;


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