1. Caves form when water infiltrates limestone . ˮ��ʯ��ʯ���γɶ�Ѩ��
2. India's major mineral resources include coal, iron, manganese, mica, bauxite, titanium, chromite, limestone and thorium. ӡ�ȵ���Ҫ�����Դ��ú�������̡���ĸ���������ѡ�������ʯ���Һ��ʡ�
3. Uses in each kind of medium degree of hardness solid material , in cement industry, limestone in broken bits , paste , chamotte, and so on mix material . ������������ɳ����Ҫ���ڸ����е�Ӳ�ȹ������ϵ�ϸ�飬��ˮ�ҵ�У�ϸ��ʯ��ʯ��ʯ�ࡢ���ϡ���ϲĵȡ�
1. a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals