1. and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed. ż�����ֵ�����й���ߺ��Ժյ��Դ����ҿ��ܶ��Գƴ��³�ʵ����ҵ��������������ڣ���Ϊ��Ȳ�������ȫ���ܣ�Ҳ��������ȫ���ϡ�
2. If you should have a claim, you are the insured and the insurance company who issued the policy has a vested interest in handling the claim promptly and fairly. �����Ӧ����һ���ˣ�����Ͷ�����뱣�յĹ�˾��˭ǩ���������мȵ������ڴ�������Ѹ�ٺ����ġ�
3. The time period, beginning with the first week of a claim, during which a claimant may draw out unemployment insurance benefits due based on a claim. �����������ʧҵ��������ĵ�һ�ܿ�ʼ�ı��ս�����ʱ���ڣ��ڴ��ڼ䣬�����˿��Ը��ݱ���������ȡӦ�õ�ʧҵ���ս�
4. Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee. �����ٲù���������ٲ÷�����ͬʱ���ɷ������ٲ÷ѡ�
5. At last this paper has established the construction claim decision support system on the base of theory of construction claim decision elementarily and programmed to realize basic function. �����ʩ������������۵Ļ����ϳ���������ʩ���������֧��ϵͳ�������Ƴ���ʵ���˻����Ĺ��ܡ�
lay aside lay by lay on the table lay up shelve ����;
lay aside lay by lay on the table lay up shelve ����;
lay aside lay by lay on the table lay up shelve ����;