1. Lateralization seems to confer an advantage for some fish as well. ������Բ���������ƺ�Ҳ�ܴ���һЩ�������ơ�
2. However, this theory had not been applied to the researches on the semantic processing lateralization of bilinguals. ���ǣ���һ���軹û�����й�˫��������ӹ���ƫ��о��н��й���֤��
3. The process of lateralization is believed to be maturational. That is, brain lateralization is genetically programmed, but takes time to develop. ��Ĺ��̱���Ϊ��һ�ַ����ɳ��Ĺ��̡�Ҳ����˵�����Բ�ڻ������Ѱ��źã�����Ҫʱ����ʵ�ֲ��
1. localization of function on either the right or left sides of the brain