1. The LTIL connected palmar lateral margin, proximal lateral margin and dorsal lateral margin neighboring to lunate bone and triquetral bone. �����ǹǼ��ʹ��������¹Ǻ����ǹ����ڵ��Ʋࡢ����ͽ����Ե��
2. The LTIL connected palmar lateral margin, proximal lateral margin and dorsal lateral margin neighboring to lunate bone and triquetral bone. �����ǹǼ��ʹ��������¹Ǻ����ǹ����ڵ��Ʋࡢ����ͽ����Ե��
3. To expose the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, locate the origin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle on the posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle. Ϊ��¶�����°��ǣ�Ӧ���ҵ�λ�ڹɹ������������賦�����ͷ��㡣
5. For truly I say to you, Until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass. ��ʵ�ڸ������ǣ���ʹ����ض���ȥ�ˣ��ɷ���һƲ��һ����Ҳ�����ܹ�ȥ��ֱ��һ�ж��ó�ȫ��