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lateral ['lætərəl]



    adj. ����ģ������
    n. �ಿ������
    vt. ������



    1. The compensation must be insensitive to temperature and to lateral dislevelment.
    2. Low value of bridge lateral rigidity results in a series of derailment accidents on bridges.
    3. The maximum field on the right of ring junction decreases with the increase of ring spacing and lateral diffusible depth.


      1. a pass to a receiver upfield from the passer
      2. situated at or extending to the side
      3. lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body


    �����; ƽ����; ���򣬲�������; ���;
    lateral pressure
    ����ѹ��; ����ѹ��; ��ѹ��; ��ѹ;
    lateral spread
    ��������; ��������; ������չ;
    lateral stability
    �����ȶ���; ���ȶ�; ������; �����ȶ���;
    lateral erosion
    ��ʴ; ��ʴ; ��ʴ��ʴ; ������ʴ;


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