1. The compensation must be insensitive to temperature and to lateral dislevelment. �������ñ��벻���¶ȺͲ���ˮƽ��Ӱ�졣
2. Low value of bridge lateral rigidity results in a series of derailment accidents on bridges. ������������նȲ��㣬�������ϻ����г��ѹ��¹ʶ�η�����
3. The maximum field on the right of ring junction decreases with the increase of ring spacing and lateral diffusible depth. ���Ҳ����糡Ҳ�����ڽᴦ�����Ż����ͺ�����ɢ��ȵ����ӣ����糡����С��
1. a pass to a receiver upfield from the passer
2. situated at or extending to the side
3. lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body