knife�ı��� n.
С�����͵����˵� (�����ϵ�)��Ƭ���в� [ʫ������]�̵���ذ�� ��������� vt.
The victim was knifed in the chest.
�ܺ����ز�������һ���� �����ƵĴ�����
A killing pain is knifing my stomach.
һ���ʹ����㴩���ҵĸ����� �õ��̼Ǻ��ڣ��õ��� [��������]���ܹ������������ֶ��ݺ�(�����)��
I know she is the woman who knifed me in the back.
��֪�������ڱ����ݺ����ҡ� �õ�Ϳ(���ϵ�) vi.
The doctor knifes carefully along a bone in his leg.
ҽ��С�ĵ���������һ���ȹ��õ��й��� ��������������� (����into�� through����):
A ship is knifing through the surging waves.
һ����������ӿ�IJ���������ǰ���� ����:
a knife and fork
(�����е�)���Ͳ� �ò͵��ˣ��ܳԵ��� at knife point
�Ե���ƣ��ڵ��ӵ���в�� before you can (�� could) say ��knife��
[����]˵ʱ����ʱ�죻˵���䣻һգ�ۣ�ͻȻ get (�� have) a (�� one\'s) knife into someone
��ij�˽��б�������ij�˻������ģ��Ӻ�ij�ˣ����ҹ���ij�ˣ���ij�˹���ȥ go (�� pass) under the knife
[����]��������������� knife-and-fork
�����(������)�� knife and fork tea
����ʳ�IJ˵� like a hot knife through butter
[����]����ٵ� sharpen one\'s knife for somebody
���ͷ�(��)ij�� that one (�� you) could cut with a knife
[����]���˸е�ѹ��(����Ϣ)�ģ����˲����ģ�(��ζ��������)Ũ�ص� the knives are out
�������� turn (�� twist) the knife
[����]�����˰� under the knife
[��������]����������� war to the knife
Ѫս����ս�������һ��ս�� ���Σ�
1. cutting or able to cut as if with a knife
2. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
3. as physically painful as if caused by a sharp instrument
4. having a sharp or distinct edge