1. Formation center tester(FCT) is made up of hydraulic power joint, double PACKER joint, opposing infuse joint, numeric pump exhausting joint, sensor joint and sampling tube joint. �꾮���������������Һѹ�����̽ڡ�˫PACKER�̽ڡ�����ע��̽ڡ����ֱó�̽ڡ��������̽ں�ȡ��Ͳ�̽���ɵġ�
2. A 24-year-old female, who complained of progressive right knee pain, limitation of knee pain, limitation of knee joint motion and ipsilateral muscle atrophy for 5 months. һλ24��Ů�ԣ�����ϥ�ؽ���ʹ�������ͬ����ȼ���ή��֮��ʷ5���¡�
3. The right knee pain upon sudden standing up from sitting position is due to the instability of the knee joint most likely resulted from weaken muscle power around the knee. ���º�ͻȻվ������������ϥ��ʹ������Ϊϥ�ǵ���Χ��������������ϥ�ؽڲ��ȶ����µġ�
4. Conclusions Arthroscopic/arthrotomic debridement is a treatment of choice for stage I and II knee joint OA , and TKA for stage III knee joint OA . ���۶�I�ڡ�II��OA���ߣ��ؽ���������һ�ֽϺõķ�������III��OA���ߣ�ϥ�ؽ��û���Ч��Ҳ������
5. Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a kind of degeneration of knee joint disease, which often present in the surface of joint, edge and beneath the cartilage forming new bone. ϥ���Թؽ�����һ��ϥ�ؽ������Բ��䣬���ڹؽڱ��桢��Ե���������γ��¹ǵ�һ�ּ�����
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column and knee type milling machine knee-and-column type miller knee-type milling machine ����̨ʽϳ��;
column and knee type milling machine knee-and-column type miller knee-type milling machine ����̨ʽϳ��;
column and knee type milling machine knee-and-column type miller knee-type milling machine ����̨ʽϳ��;
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