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kid [kid]



    n. С����Сɽ��
    vt. ��ƭ��ȡЦ��ϷŪ
    vi. ��ƭ��ȡЦ��ϷŪ
    adj. Сɽ��Ƥ�Ƶģ������׵�




    1. This is no place for a kid.
    2. I feel like a little kid!
    3. I think you must say: good smart kid.


      1. a young person of either sex
      2. soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat
      3. English dramatist (1558-1594)
      4. a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age
      5. young goat
      1. tell false information to for fun
      2. be silly or tease one another


    ���׵�ɽ��; С��; ɽ���; Сɽ��Ƥ;
    kid skin
    С��Ƥ; Сɽ��Ƥ;
    Kid Rock
    ҡ��С��; ����-���; ���¡����; ҡ��С��;
    The Kid
    Ťתδ��; Ѱ�����ɼ�; ���˶��������Ĺ��£�; ������;
    Kaito Kid
    �ֵ�����; �ֵ�С��;


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