1. Attack skill: The main attack was turning kick in competition. The auxiliary attacks were back kick and front kick. ������������������������Ϊ����������ǰ�߹���Ϊ����
2. Perhaps it is right to dissemble your love. But - why do you kick me downstairs ? Ϊ������İ�����Ҳ���ǶԵġ����ǡ�����Ϊʲô���Ҹϳ�ȥ���أ�
3. Be off, or I'll kick you downstairs! ���ɣ������һὫ������¥��ȥ��
4. A goal cannot be scored from a kick-off, drop-out or free kick. �ɿ������������߶����ŵ�����÷֡�
5. "What?You he*of incognizant I?"Mendicant 1 kick the belly of medium elephant, kick it into river. ��ʲô������*�IJ���ʶ�ң�����ؤ1�����д���Ķ��ӣ�����������С�