1. In China, North to Harbin, South to Qingjiang one line, West to Wuzhong one line, East to Bohai Gulf island and northeast Border Line. People of wide area felt egregious jounce. �ڻ��Ĵ�أ������������������彭һ�ߣ���������һ�ߣ����������嵺��Ͷ��������ߣ���һ�����������Ƕ��е����Ѱ����ҡ����
1. a sudden impact
2. move up and down repeatedly
jounce ����;
jounce distance ����;
Open Arms - Jounce ����˫�� Ӣ��;
����˫�� �� �� �鿴;
Open Arms-Jounce ����˫�� Ⱥ��;
rebound and jounce damping capability �ص��͵�����������;