1. His foolish behavior may put his whole future in jeopardy . ��������Ϊ����ʹ����ǰ;����Σ�ա�
2. Until that model is fixed, our Nation's jobs and the livelihoods of our constituents are in jeopardy. �ڴ�֮ǰ������һ���̶���ģʽ�����ǹ��ҵľ�ҵ�����Ƶijɷִ���Σ��֮�С�
3. Thus the hopes and lives of a generation, the breadwinners, providers and parents of the future, are in jeopardy. ��ˣ���һ����ϣ������������ҼƵ��ˣ�δ���Ĺ�Ӧ�ߺ�ĸ�ǣ��Ǵ���Σ��֮�С�
1. a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune