1. His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future. ��������Ϊ���ܻ�Σ����������ǰ;��
2. The relationship with the AFC, the equivalent of UEFA in Asia, is a key one and Buck emphasised that Chelsea would not jeopardise that relationship. ͬ�����������뵱��ŷ����һ����֮��Ĺ�ϵ�Ǻܹؼ��ģ��Ϳ�ǿ��˵�ж���������ð��ȥ�ƻ�����֮��Ĺ�ϵ��
3. The deal's announcement had cheered the Taiwan stock market but led to strong resistance from opposition politicians, who said it would jeopardise Taiwan's national security. ���ڽ�������������̨��������������̨�巴�Ե�������ʿ��ǿ�ҷ��ԣ����DZ�ʾ���⽫Σ��̨��İ�ȫ��