2. Oh Simon) Are you atoms in a jam jar? Ŷ�����ɣ����Dz��ǹ���ƿ���һ��ԭ�ӣ�
3. Diagram 6 shows the number of marbles in a jar. ͼ6��ʾһ��ƿ����IJ��������������
1. a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
2. the quantity contained in a jar
3. a sudden impact v.
1. be incompatible; be or come into conflict
2. move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
3. shock physically
4. affect in a disagreeable way
5. place in a cylindrical vessel
JAR �ļ�;
Earthen Jar �ո�;
battery jar ��ز�;
leyden jar ����ƿ;
jar test ����ˮ�����������������;